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LOL so last night,, i was chatting with my friends on line and my friend OLIVIA called me, and ask if i have a non-fiction book, and i said i got one, and she picked the book at my home Then , she asked me to go to ANGELA's house. Angel is olivias junior high school mate and apparently, 3 of us get along really well, sometimes we watch movies together, or go to the malls, or just fucking around.. olivia herself,, is like my best friend at home. weve been friends like forever, lol seriously. her mother was my late mom's best friend. her mother knows everything about me when we were little, we are like bestfriend for ever. lol... yeah, back to the story we had lost contact with Angel, but because we are angelic, we decided to go to her house, and by the way olivia (from here will be called"pia") needed more non-fiction book.. so we went to her house, and it was raining to we got in to her house.. and then chat a little bit because we haven't meet fora while it was 8 p.m and i already dayum sleepy and then in a super awkward position, lol i dont even know how to describe it haha xD pia said i slept in that weird position for like 30minutes, and as long as im sleeping, they were talking about how calm i am sleeping in such awkward position. hahaha and then when i got up,, do you know how people wake up or get conscious after faints in the movies, you know, like you see someone appear fadingly in front of you? well thats what happened to me, i saw angel was smiling so hard. lol and when i get back to a normal position, i cant ever have more stiff neck lol. it hurts so bad i dont even dare to move my head gahhh haha and then they start talking to me and asking me stuffs but i c0uldnt catch any of it so i was just like "uh? yes.. yaa" :D and it was getting late,, so me and pia decided to go home,, and angel borrowed us the umbrella and because of the rain i got up 100% haha and hungray as hell so me and pia went to this super duper restaurant and why did i say Super Duper Restaurant? cause they make mean foods, but we have to wait until i dont know, around 30 minutes to get them lol

and thenn i went home and chat with few friends but then fall asleep while cam to camming hahaha xDxD

and thenn i went home and chat with few friends but then fall asleep while cam to camming hahaha xDxD
she mei she mei she mei she mei
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