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So, before I have made a post about DYED chicks... I sorta found out that in Indonesia, here is what they do to those little chicks....

Step One

Of course, take them away from mommy chickens...

Step Two

Buy some POWDERED CLOTH COLORING (easily of course, maybe just 1000 IDR at the shops. With a dollar you can get 10). Pick the colors that you want, like, RED, GREEN, PURPLE, PINK, ORANGE, WHITE, etc etc etc

Step Three.

Dip the little chick into the water that has been mixed with the powdered cloth coloring. Drown them from head to toe, to color it. 

Step Four

Leave them be. Let them dried

Step Five

Put them in the small box, they are ready to sold

Step Six

Sell them to little clueles childs that have no idea how to pet a chick for 1500 IDR each, or maybe 2000.


It is just straight cruel, like, not much to say, you know.
First of all, we already seperated them from their mommy, and then dip them into this dangerous chemical coloring liquid. It could get into their eyes and what if they accidentally sip the liquid?

Then these ignorant people will put them in a very small box, and sell these poor little creatures to the kids. For like 2000 IDR per chick. You can get 5 chicks with a dollar!

Then, of course, little kids are attracted with their colors and they are amazingly cute, you know , CHICKS, they are so round and fuzzy and just ubber CUTE!

They have no idea how to take care of chickens. That would be hell for the chicks. Some are dead because they are SQUEEZED (maybe because of the cuteness factor), sometimes kids accidentally sit on them, or step on them, and maybe just bad care.

That's why I sit and think, hey, I want to do something for these little innocent creatures. I decided to collect as much signatures as I can, and will file that to the government and PETA (of course right after I get enough evidences).

I started yesterday, I have been telling my friends about how these little chicks are treated and they signed the board I made. Lots of people pretty concerned about this issue. 

Then I sit, and this guy from my class asked to see the board.
We (me and my friend Sharon) gave it to him.

Then, he tried to give like some sorta "smart" sarcasm. 

He said..

Stupid guy: Do you agree with "human's" hair dying?
Sharon: No
(well, she disagree about that, so do I)
Stupid guy: Ok then why lots of people still do that?
She Mei: (Desperately tried to hold back her laugh)

That was STUPID. LOL

Ok let me tell you something, Mr. Smartypants...

  1. Human's dyed their hairs because they WANT to
  2. Chicks DON'T dye their fur, it's because WE WANT TO
As simple as that.

Me and Sharon were like giggling and talking about that during the class. Haha. It was hilarious. Haha.

He is trying to "play smart" when he is stupid. HAHA

I don't deal with this kinda human lots. It will be fun dealing with more. HAHA.
My dad always told me

Ignore the "smarty dolts" they have no idea what they are talking about


I don't think he realised just how stupid and ignorant he is. HAHA

Just think about it, if the chicks, dye their furs because they want to, then I am pretty sure that there is such thing as "Chick Beauty Shop" where those chick can pick any color they want.

What a moronic ignorantic dullard patheticly moron. Haha

So, the lesson is, don't try to play smart, when you are clueles about something.
You will be laughed at.


I know I am doing the right thing and I will go on doing it anyway. Haha. What a MORON.

I even still smile think about it
