Dyed Chicks
9:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

I had a happy childhood. I remember that in here, from where I live, there are always a "Chicken Man". He sells DYED CHICKENS to the kids, extremely cheap also.
OK, some people do that for "Education" sakes. They (scientist, mostly) color the chicks to watch the growth of their feathers, and study the movement of wild birds. I think, its fine, as long as it is not harming the birds.
Injection of VEGETABLE DYES (as you see at the supermarket or grocery stores) is found to be harmless....
The eggs are usually injected at the age of 10th - 19th days.

So that is pretty much how they do it. Well, at least, these chickens (hopefully) are treated nicely, and they are not to be harmed.
But i got a news flash.
I heard that in Indonesia, they actually dip in the little chicks into this chemical coloring water or something
I will do a research about it, and I will post the result later on
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